Saturday, March 24, 2012

And then the stuff really hit the fan...

Brenner had an EEG which was normal (YAY!!!!).  His neurologist said we could wean him off his seizure med (YAY!!!!!!).  He was concerned about the big increase in Brenner's head size.  He said to see what neurosurgery said,but if they weren't concerned, to follow up sooner with him.  So... off to neurosurgery.  And THEY were concerned about the huge jump in Brenner's head size.  Brenner got an MRI.  It showed marked increases in the fluid spaces in his brain.  His brain was starting to "flatten out".  It was under pressure.  Brenner needed cranial-peritoneal shunts placed.  Because we were from out of town, they would admit us and do the surgery in the morning.  He would be safe to go the weekend and come back the beginning of the week to have it done if that worked better for me.  I decided to just stay (for a handful of reasons).  So we waited in the main lobby for 2 hours while they found us a room) and then we were admitted.  Brenner ended up going almost 24 hours without eating!  But he was so pleasant about it and the surgery went as well as could be expected.  His head already looks smaller to me.  I am hoping this makes it easier for him to lift his head and decreases the number of headaches he has.  We had to stay over night so Brenner could get 3 doses of IV antibiotics over 24 hours.  We are home now and trying to recoup.  We have follow-ups with the neurosurgeon in a month and with the neurologist in 2 months. 


  1. Are the shunts permanent? Glad they seem to be helping already. We will continue to pray for his recovery.... and your family's strength.

  2. They are permanent. He can have them removed if at some time his neurosurgeons think they are no longer necessary and I want them removed. But they can also just be left in forever (even if they aren't clinically needed anymore). The feeling was since we are a month out from the initial injury this will be more than a 1 or 2 week issue so temporary shunts wouldn't work.

  3. Marie, I think of your family often. I will be wishing a speedy turn around for Brenner, good news in a couple Weeks, and some patience and understanding from your other children at home. I can imagine you have been amazed at their resilience.

  4. What a beautiful baby, Marie! Such a little doll. I'm so sorry for everything he (and you) are going through but I am truly so thankful he is doing well. I know finding the time to blog is the last thing on your mind but I am so glad you are doing it. I have been praying for you all and waiting to see an update. Hugs, cyber friend.

  5. Marie - I'm so sorry. I would have driven up and sat with you. Brenner has been such a fighter through this whole process that I know he will conquer every challenge. All of your kids have. And it's because they have you as their mom. -H

  6. Oh, this breaks my heart.
    I also hope all of this helps the little guy.
    I've been thinking about you A LOT and praying things get easier from here on out!!!

  7. So glad that the shunts are helping him! I want to kiss the owies on his sweet little head. He is such a trooper Marie and so are you! You are both stronger than you think you are. Keeping your family in my prayers and sending lots of love your way!

  8. Oh my goodness! He is such a cutie, but then I see the scars on his head and it makes me so sad. He is ripping my feeling into peices. We love you so much guys. You can do it Brenner! You can do it Mama!
