Monday, February 27, 2012

First follow-up

We saw Brenner's pediatrician today.  Brenner was 13 lbs 10 oz. and 24 1/2 inches.  His heart and lungs sounded great.  His pediatrician was happy with his progress.  He reminded me that everything really is wait and see for now until Brenner is about a year old and then we would know more what effects this may have had.  He also made me feel reassured that Brenner is basically going to be like an older kid with a concussion, only he can't verbalize how he feels to me.  He may have headaches, be dizzy, irritable, changes in appetite.  It made me feel better about giving him Tylenol before bed or when he seemed to be crying in pain.  It's amazing to have so many people supporting us in so many different ways.


  1. Glad to hear things are ok with Brenner so far. So sorry to hear about what happened. Wish we lived closer so I could help you out.

  2. I am glad he looked good today and the doctor was impressed with his progress. He is such a stong little guy. He is doing some good growing!

  3. Happy to hear the check up went well. Hope today is a good day. Hugs.

  4. So glad things went well with the pediatrician.
    I pray that you will have comfort through this and helping Brenner get better!
