Friday, May 18, 2012

The Miracle Continues

Brenner had another round of follow-up appointments this week at The Children's Hospital in Aurora, Colorado.  He had an MRI.  It showed that the fluid spaces in his brain had emptied out and his brain is normal again.  Neurosurgery is really happy with his progress and the functioning of his shunts.  Neurology is ecstatic about his development and the fact that he has never had a single seizure.  Ophthalmology gave us the news we have been waiting for.  The blood in his eyes is finally gone!  He still has excess fluid in his left eye.  This makes it hard to see what, if any, damage was done to the macula.  There is some worry that because the left eye was more traumatized than the right that it may not work as well and Brenner may develop amblyopia.  We are supposed to patch his right eye for an hour every day to force his left eye to work hard and stay active.  All in all, it was great news all around.  We have follow ups in a month with ophthalmology and in 3 months with neurosurgery and neurology.  We have been so greatly and truly blessed!


  1. Absolutely amazing! Glad there is such good news. May the appointments keep yielding good news. Hoping the eye patch works.

  2. So glad to hear some good news.
    I pray the eye will bear similar news in the future!

  3. Yay! So glad to hear good news!

  4. I'm so glad you got good news! It must be nice to hear for you! We'll keep praying for his further progress and for your strength!
